Saturday, March 31, 2012

Crossing Wakes

Motivator, picture compliments of Izzy St. Clair on Izzy R
Making crossing and exploring new places is just part of the cruising lifestyle.

Once you get to a new place, whether you have to drop the dinghy and cruise in from an anchorage, or simply go into a marina, you soon meet other cruisers.

Soon you are eating, drinking, and swapping stories.  This luncheon had representatives from Canada, France, Belgium, France and the U.S.
The Izzy R our “buddy boat” south
Some of the friends you meet you end up traveling with, or crossing wakes numerous times, while others you will probably never meet up with again.

In a small marina in Providenciales, Caicos we were in the company of two other DeFevers.  A 50’ and two 49’ DeFevers were lined up at the dock.
Jeff & Izzy on Izzy R, Andy & Sharon on Finally Fun and Pollie and Mo

This warranted a group photo for the DeFever Cruisers newsletter.  Finally Fun was returning from the down island voyage that the Izzy R and Motivator are just beginning.  Yes, we really picked their brains and looked at their logs.

But, at the end of the day, your best cruising buddy is on the boat with you.

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